We will NOT be offering a third weekend Mass at Epiphany Parish. There will continue to be a Saturday, 4 p.m. Mass and a Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Mass. We will continue to offer a live-stream of the 4 p.m. Mass. We did turn away people at last weekend’s 10:30 Mass due to a lack of seating. We really regret having to turn people away from Mass.
Two factors influenced the decision not to offer another Sunday morning Mass at this time. First, there has been a local increase of positive COVID test results. The increase is relatively small, but we have adopted a slow and cautious approach as a parish. We continue to remind people that at present there is not an obligation to attend Sunday Mass. We will see where local COVID trends go in the next few weeks before adding another Sunday Mass. Second, we still have a minimal number of parishioners able to serve in necessary ministries. If you can help in roles at weekend Masses, please call the Parish Office.
You can help us not have to turn people away from Mass. If you have been able to go to Mass these past weeks, consider not going every Sunday to allow others to return to Mass for the first time. That is an act of charity on your part. Charity matters! Especially as we sacrifice for the needs of others. Know that there have been openings for more to attend on Saturday night too. The church has not yet been full on Saturday.
Looking ahead! Whether we have two Sunday Masses or eventually three Masses, there will likely be a problem at one or more weekend Masses where more households show up than we have places for them to participate at Mass. It’s frustrating to get ready to come to Mass only to arrive and discover there is not room. So in the next short while, we’ll have a reservation system in place for anyone who wants to know for sure that there will be room reserved for them at weekend Mass. We will do our best to keep it simple as we can and accessible by various means. Not everyone has computer and internet access.
I never dreamed we’d be in the position of turning people away from Mass even on Christmas! Nor would I ever had guessed we’d be considering a reservation system for weekend Mass. I’ve even had to encourage people that it’s okay not to come to Sunday Mass! But, that’s precisely where we are today.
Thanks for your patience in changing times. Change and uncertainty are always hard and you have been great!
Thanks! You are in my daily prayers. Keep our parish in yours!
Fr. Neil Manternach, Pastor