Every year since establishing parish goals and working to state our parish mis-sion, we have conducted a parish survey in October. It will be available in the pews this weekend and online via our website, too. We'll have a couple weeks for you to respond to the survey. Take a few moments at Mass next weekend or visit the parish web-site so we can hear from you.
Parish Survey to Include Question About Mass Times - One topic that is raised by parishioners each year through your comments on the survey is about our Mass times and schedule. So this year we are including a question regarding that.
We can't make dramatic changes to our schedule. Area-wide Masses have to be arranged in a way that allow two priests to cover not only Epiphany and Manly, but also Clear Lake and Rock-well on occasional circumstances.
Retired priests help us sometimes, but also are increasingly asked to help at farther distances. Fr. Carl Ries comes all the way from Dyersville when he has filled in here.
So we are begin-ning with a basic question, "If our Sunday, 11 a.m. Mass at Holy Family was changed to 10:30 a.m., would you consider this a helpful change to you?" Responses will be included in the follow-up discussions toward making a possible change.